Re: Utopia - new MA rich game! (game on!)
it's kind of sad that the number of battles that will be happening this turn are proportional to the number of days I had to do the turn ... instead of the number of units I have :-p
I suppose though if I were more gung ho about things I could put in more than 1-2hours a day... it's just that 2hours a day max has always been plenty for dom3 for me in the past (even if I was in 2or3 games... yet utopia alone as my only game takes so much more than that that I just do half of what I'd planned don't bother to check my work and email it in)
at very least zeldor knows what I am talking about as well as probably some others ... definitely I think we'll have to convert rich games into crowded games ... a really crowded really rich game sounds like it could be quite interesting... because territory would become MORE meaningful than ever before... without totally breaking down?
who knows... also... after you see how pathetically few units i've scripted you might question why it took me 6hours to do it? well... I waste a lot of time issuing retardedly pointless orders (you preach you don't preach etc) so that i'm burnt out before i finish analyzing battle orders (out of that 6hours only 30-80minutes were even prolly used on scripting units in battle locations)
honestly i think if the lab size were like 500 instead of 50 i could've completed the turn in several HOURS less time.... half my turns everyturn involve shuffling items onto and off of item storage mules this is a really big design flaw in dom3 that the designers couldn't conceive of games big enough that players would need a bigger lab... maybe they thought no one would shuffle items around???
but if my lab was like 500spots big i could start my turn go around smashing lllllllllllllll then go around and equip items on units where they were needed.... instead i have to go around checking 1000commanders for 1specific item that i can't recall where it is stored to transfer it to one other specific commander then repeat repeat repeat
now i could just place all my storage mules in a row and organize by item type... BUT that doesn't work when you are using thugs as storage mules to defend against losing your "lab" to remote attack spells
conclusion... if we don't trend towards RICH and CROWDED then
maybe a rich game that was large but had abnormally low magical settings would reduce micromanagement time and still give people absurdly large numbers of mundane units to see die? and ... normalmanage ?
because really it's gems that are a biotch to micromanage... units and squads and commanders... while that requires a lot of time to micromanage... that's the FUN part!! i mean out of the 6hours i spent on my turn... the one hour i spent specifically laying out orders to battle units was the most fun hour.... and if I could've done the boring stuff in only ONE hour I might've spent TWO hours on battles and we might've had twice as many battles or 150% as many battles scripted 150% as cleverly
Last edited by namad; April 3rd, 2010 at 02:30 AM..