Thread: Utility
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Old April 5th, 2010, 08:49 AM

pyg pyg is offline
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Default Re:

Originally Posted by mehrunes_dagon View Post
the utility has a nice side-effect of checking if all the graphics is referenced correctly

unfortunately there is a bug which becomes visible when a processed mod contains commented-out line like

-spr1 ".\Angmar\Winged Uruloki\Winged_Uruloki_1.tga"
-spr2 ".\Angmar\Winged Uruloki\Winged_Uruloki_2.tga" tries to find these files, fails and prints error message

Bad File Name: {name of tga}
Don't worry about the error message to much, it still creates the mod. If it was a commented out sprite it's still going to complain, sorry. You can turn off the sprite compilation by changing line 8 where it says 'packTGAs = True' to 'packTGAs = False'. This will also save space as you wont' have duplicate copies of all the graphics.

It should also be telling you that how many nations, monsters, spells, etc. it combined. It DOES NOT check to make sure those numbers are within safe limits. Usually new spells is the first to go over (~135 I think).
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