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Old April 7th, 2010, 07:39 AM
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Default Re: Making something out of nothing (Can you turn this into a Thug?)

And what would you give Skrattis ? I'm actually playing Utgard (sp game) and don't know what would suit them well. I mean, they're obvious thugs, but it's so tempting to give them full equipment. If it's possible to boost them with only a few gems...

Shroud of the Battle Saint seems OK, even with minor blesses (Actually I've a F4A4W4E4S6N4 bless). A pendant of luck too.

Otherwise, I miss ideas of for cheap and efficient items.

Boots of the messenger if no reinvigoration bless ?
If no interesting bless, a robe of shadows ? (but it's 10 pearls and 0 protection).
Frost brand ? But the cold protection will be useless, maybe an enchanted sword to boost att/def.

Shield : I guess a raw hide shield or the cheap astral shield will do the job. Or a lucky coin, it spares the pendant of luck.

That would be 20 N/S gems without forge bonus.

Any better ideas ? With a preference for Utgard's national paths ( S N D W B )
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