Re: Why do my berserk commanders disappear after winning fights
Gregstroms point is exactly.. on point.
You could arbitrarily say that combat makes the world unstable and that each round increases the likelihood of death.
Now, if it were me, I'd have horrors show up increasing in numbers and severity. But I have no problem abstracting that part of the equation.
I mean, if you think about it, no one has complained that undead simply go poof. Why should you complain therefor if an SC goes poof?
similarly you don't complain that we abstract the turns - the entire months turn is abstracted to one click. We don't see the armies progressing.
The preeminent question is a balance question, not a versimilitude question.
If you are really saying that you can't stand the versimilitude (vs wanting to make sc's more powerful) then you would be fine with any solution that kept the 75 turn limit autokill, so long as it had a reasonable backstory.
And I don't think that is really what anyone is saying. I think they are just using the versimilitude gripe as a way of attacking the turn limit.