Re: Bug Thread: Discussion
Probably not worth it. We both took another look at it (NB this was a very big battle), and a lot of the weirdness can be explained: so many BF spells fired not all the pentagrams could be displayed, so Storm was there after all. And there was a fire mage who apparently woke up around round 30 to use his gems.
However Solar Brilliance definitely did no damage to any undead - nor even MR5 skeletons. Is there an interaction with Darkness we're not aware of possibly? It previously appeared that SB always superceded Darkness in terms of cancelling any Att/Per reductions and inflicting blindness. However possibly SB + Darkness cancels the anti-undead effect.
Just to complicate things further we'd previously fought under Darkness followed by SB, but in this case it was Darkness, Solar Brilliance, followed by Darkness again. My opponent was using Tarts and was hoping a second casting would trump the SB.