Thread: Why off script?
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Old April 7th, 2010, 07:39 PM

chrispedersen chrispedersen is offline
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Default Re: Why off script?

Originally Posted by thejeff View Post
I don't think the AI is smart enough to recognize no archers. It probably just decided the enemy was too weak to waste gems on.

As said, the enemy was probably just out of range for Orb Lightning.

Generally, reasons for going oft script:

1. Enemy force is not a sufficient threat to waste gems
2. Spell will put caster over fatigue 100
3. Insufficient gems (perhaps for blowing extra gems earlier)
4. No targets in range.
5. too much collateral damage (too many friendlies affected)
6. The ai really thinks it can do a better job with something else.
7. Insufficient paths to cast the spell. Communion didn't get off due to death of slaves, pots didn't get off etc.

Essentially looking at the log, whatever you script has a weighting bonus. The computer looks at all castable spells,
and weighs them. It does a pretty good job on direct damage spells, pretty arbitrary on others.

things that excessively fatigue you will get a penalty, as will gem use.

Spell with the best results is cast.
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