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Old April 7th, 2010, 07:52 PM
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Default Re: Dominions 3 lore and nation backgrounds !

On a more serious note...

I've noticed that one of the ideas behind the design of the nations is that magic power is supposed to wane as time goes on (as armor values increase and units become more human). According to the manual, the site frequency default is less in later eras but looking at the nations themselves it seems they have pretty much the same access to powerful paths as they do in earlier ages.

Arco's magic is a lot more limited in the late age, but abysia, ctis, mictlan, pangea, and ulm all have pretty much the same level of path-access in the LA as they do in the EA. T'ien Chi has the highest path access in the LA. And the LA includes a couple other path-powerhouses like Utgard and Bogarus. It seems to me the developers either didn't really intend to make magic weaker in the LA or, if they did intend to, didn't really implement it very much.
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