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Old April 7th, 2010, 08:21 PM

Illuminated One Illuminated One is offline
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Default Re: Why do my berserk commanders disappear after winning fights

Originally Posted by chrispedersen
If you are really saying that you can't stand the versimilitude (vs wanting to make sc's more powerful) then you would be fine with any solution that kept the 75 turn limit autokill, so long as it had a reasonable backstory.
The point is reasonable backstory. I don't doubt that you can make something up but ... your backstory would have to be more believable than this:
They are all just living inside a computer simulation with arbitrary rules designed for an unknown purpose, cynics say it's just for the entertainment of an extradimensional species, and the 50-turn rout 75-turn autokill rule was included to reduce hosting and coding times.

That two angels duking it out for 50 rounds makes the world "unstable" in some way could be but two drunken vikings in a barfight?

And I don't think that is really what anyone is saying. I think they are just using the versimilitude gripe as a way of attacking the turn limit.
No...? Why should anyone complain about the turn-limit if it wouldn't be a problem to them? Oh, yeah, I can loose to turn limit. But I can also win, no? Only that winning by using "gamey strategies" is somewhat stale even more so if you are actually forced to use them.
It's only because the game is not balanced that you can even say you need the autokill because you can't kill SCs in another way. Anyway do you really think the game is balanced, I think you said something else about Hinnom?
The game is only balanced in the sense that there is no game winner unit and there are a lot of options. People find their own way of playing. Saying that implementing a more beautiful solution than turn limit and providing other ways to deal with SCs will kill balance is just like saying that planting new trees will make the forest chaotic. It was chaotic all along the only difference is that the guides don't apply anymore...

Originally Posted by Psycho
It is true and it enables a situation when an immortal (think vampire lord thug) behind the pd has the possibility to destroy the whole attacking army to the very last mage. When pd routes, the attacking army will not route no matter how many casualties inflicted to them.
It's certainly possible unless they changed it.
I've had a thug routing after he had routed the enemy (he routed after chasing the last two crippled militiaman to the other side of the map and was even faster from the field in the end).

Last edited by Illuminated One; April 7th, 2010 at 08:33 PM..
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