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Old April 8th, 2010, 12:31 AM
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Default Re: MA CBM Game Greenstone Running

Originally Posted by danbo View Post
Ctissians have lost hundreds of soldiers and host of mages and is about to face the vengeance of Jotunheim. Ctis is very vulnerable now and we welcome other nations to join our crusade against this filthy nation.
The spiderking of Machaka would like to, just as a reminder, re-itreate that C'tis is part of the BMC defensive alliance. Jotunheim has already caused much grievance by destroyin Caelum, and as such their actions have in the past spoken of their intentions. Yet, the C'tis-Jotunheim fracass is a duel, and will be honoured as such; any third parts attacking C'tis would however face consequenses from the other BMC alliance members.
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