Re: Dominions 3 lore and nation backgrounds !
few things I wish to add to what has already been mentioned. the Hinnom line(Hinnom, Ashdod, Gath) are somewhat based on the Bible. Hinnom, which is short of the Biblical phrase "Gey Ben Hinnom" in Hebrew, which literally means hell. Ashdod was a Philistine(those guys Goliath came from) city and is now the 4th largest city in modern Israel. Gath was the capital of the Philistines and is now in modern day Gaza Strip. also most of the names, such as Rephaites(Rephaim in Hebrew means ghosts or wraiths), Shedim(in Hebrew means demons), Seirim(in Hebrew means the hairy ones, linked perhaps to the Biblical story of Esau and Jacob), Baal(linked perhaps to the arch demon of hell, same Baal as in the Diablo games), Merkava(in Hebrew means chariot, which summons a Chayot, in Hebrew simply means animals), etc. also in Gath notice units such as the Naphtali Spearman, Reubenite Archer, Benjaminite Slinger, etc which are names of some(out of a total of 12) of the Israelite tribes mentioned in the Bible.
as for C'tis, Ermor and Pythium. Pythium was Sauromatia at first, which is perhaps the Sauromatian tribe which was around what is modern day Iran. Ermor is clearly Rome and C'tis is clearly Egypt. Egypt is well known for its myths of Death Magic, Necromancy, etc, which are empowered by the whole mummy usage and all that... Pythium, while descendants of the Sauromatian tribe, are in fact the Eastern Roman Empire in the middle era, and in the late era the Byzantines. however Dominions 3 messed with the fall of Rome, and attributed it to Egyptian Necromancy and Death Magic instead of simply Barbarian invasions and corruption. not sure if MA C'tis has any historical reference(doubtful as the whole C'tissian influence on Ermor is not historical) but when the Sauromancers taught Ermor some of the secrets of Necromancy they probably betrayed their C'tissian brethren and their Lizard Kings, thus went underground and cleared the area for the rise of the Marshmasters who are weaker in Death magic than the Sauromancers. in the LA after Ermor collapsed the Sauromancers, now old men, came back to C'tis who was losing its power in the middle era, thus the Sauromancers are now sacred and old.