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Old April 8th, 2010, 11:19 AM

thejeff thejeff is offline
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Default Re: New (as yet unnamed) MA game (Map? )

Erebus: I think as you're willing to stay in and put up a fight, which it sounds like you did before, you should be fine.

rmcolosimo: I'm OK with Ashdod, though I may be joining the anti-Ashdod Alliance I haven't played against them in MP, (because they're often banned?) so maybe after this I'll want them out.

That puts us at 11 and I said around 10, so I'm declaring recruitment closed.

I heard one request to not use the endgame diversity mod and since I didn't initially advertise the game with it, I'm going to go without it.

The next question is what Map? 15x11 is 165 provinces, with no need for water. Shahriver is about the right size, but I'd gladly take other suggestions.
Do we want fixed starts? That'll take a bit more work to set up, unless someone has a map that already has 11 start locations.
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