I would defenitely respect your position, if you attacked immidiately after my castings. We thought it will bother you,of course (and it should!) so I asked you if you are ok. You proposed NAP5 2 turns ago, after I had both globals. And when one of globals is off (which brought me 12 cheap hammers, and not much more of use, just I had no time). And I really had no economical possibility to build blood economy and AN was needed mostly to prevent others from casting it, as I do the most of spellcasting and fill the arcane. And at this stage of the game it is still easy to win anyone saving your face, in bounds of dimoplacy - through forming alliances, etc.
I have no army, almost have no items, btw.
I would understend such NAP breaking in 1:1 (if in 1:1 would be any place for NAPS

), or if you was 4-5th in charts.
So, your attack is still a NAP-breaking preventive action,there is not heroic situation. Your economy is much better for warfare.
Oh, that's ok. It changes nothing, in my statements. NAP was broken, it was direct diplomatic lying 2 turns before. You, of course, have some words to justify it. Any aggressor has.
We will try to fight back, of course, but my army which consists of naked Ammi-es - random 2 magic pick researches, eating all my budget and not allowing to buy any real army, is not the strongest kind of the army, and all the world should be ready to face Fomoria with 80-90 provinces in a few turns.
I'm not complaining, I'm just explaining 2 things: the future of the world, and the fact that NAPs with Fomoria in this game could be ignored, as they broke diplomacy when there still were means for it. And, being second in charts did it to win the game, not to avoid loosing (there is a thin line between 2 of these but still it's exists and makes difference).