2 turns ago Hinnom proposed Fomoria 2 choices, either signing long term peace, or, if it will not be signed, or our message will be ignored - to treat our NAP3 as ended and prepare for war (we were not ready for it just as now, but fomoria was not ready either and we at least had time to protect ourselves). It was done exactly because of AN cast. I had to understand -does it make our NAP void. Fomoria didn't like the idea of war, and signed NAP5. The only thing which has changed since that moment - we have lost Forge of ancients. It's OK to stop playing dimoplacy when some cool spell is on, but saying "no, I don't want war, let's sign NAP5" and attacking, it's something worth mentioning either in a new Baalz guide "winning dimoplacy game" - how to do it and remain good in eyes of others to avoid being targeted first in all MP games, or to "Baalz' good player pledge" - some amazing ground of people behavior, which added a lot of value to community.
I'm not complaining on Baalz approach to ethics, btw. It's my second game when I've met him and I have 3d one, where we also at war. Earlier he defenitely acted in bounds of his , quite high diplomacy standards, that's the only situation which is not flawless , just it would be cool to have them described in a new guide