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Old April 9th, 2010, 06:03 AM
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Default Re: Dominions 3 lore and nation backgrounds !

Originally Posted by Mithras View Post
And perhaps I'm reading to much into it but the idea that Atlantis is just some generic fish/frog men thrown in for the sake of it doesn't sit very well with me. To me the underwater nations should at least have a theme along the lines of the northen and middle eastern themed nations (dilution of blood lines, invasion of humanity.) Or those nations affected by Ermor (Corruption.)

I would suggest that the seas start in diversity and slip into a uniformity (i.e. everyone goes mad) More than everyone else the story of Atlantis is the story of disaster and exodus, surviving on the fringes of the world they once knew.

Or they're just generic fish/frog men taken out of D and D and dressed up a bit.
Umm.. I'm pretty sure that no one is saying that Atlantis is inspired by D&D. The three ages of R'lyeh sort of are. Aboleths are D&D monsters that have powers of mind control and live in the deep seas. Illithids also are iconic D&D monsters.

This overall discussion is also sort of confusing me. Isn't it pretty obvious that both the R'lyeh and Atlantis use mythos influences? They just do not take all of their aspects from the mythos but have other stuff too mixed in with their theme and units. They are not direct conversions of just "mythos -> dom3 nation", more like "mythos + idea A + idea B -> Dom3 nation". In the case of atlantis, idea A could be the whole theme of decline and with R'lyeh the mixing with the D&D monsters. This of course a cross simplification, do not take the "formula" I presented too literally.

Last edited by Burnsaber; April 9th, 2010 at 06:12 AM..
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