April 9th, 2010, 10:28 AM
Join Date: Apr 2009
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Re: Why do my berserk commanders disappear after winning fights
Originally Posted by chrispedersen
Originally Posted by Sombre
Er,.. ok. So it's only ok for you to point that out?
Actually Sombre, I'm not really interested in getting in a flame war with you, especially as you're dead on on a lot of topics especially modding and code.
That said, your previous post left the distinct impression you were once again policing the threads and saying what points of views were valid and which were not; something I reject.
IlluminatedOne made several new statements to which I wished to respond. New content hence new discussion. Some of his points were contrary to what I actually believe. For example, I indicated that I'm favor of NT's spells that add insanity; I suggested that games should have an option to set what the autokill duration should be. I just don't believe that they are relevent to the essential points. Are SC's too limited or too strong? There are *very* few effective midgame and endgame tactics, and increasing the strength of SC's will only narrow effective strategies.
Finally, when posts get into the area of discussing people, as opposed to topics they are really falling afoul of the spirit and letter of the usage agreements, and I'd like to suggest that courtesy, is the more appropriate response.
Are you aware that by accusing the people who are against the current autokill mechanism of being mindless SC proponents, and by saying things like "using the versimilitude gripe as a way of attacking the turn limit", you already stand on the wrong side of trolling?