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Old April 10th, 2010, 06:44 AM

MadFrancis MadFrancis is offline
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Default Re: Anastasia (681-province map)

Originally Posted by Gandalf Parker View Post
Be careful though. Dont choose a format such as jpg since it "compresses" the file and will smudge your white-pixels making it not work in the game when you convert back
I know that GIMP has a function that allows you to select all pixels of a specific color and then replace it with another, allowing for this problem to be dealt with fairly quickly. I'd bet that most other editors do as well, somewhere.

That's how I convert .jpg to .xcf files to make maps with. It also retains the 255,255,255 color value (at least when placed on their own layer and not on the image layer itself) when converting a file from .xcf to .jpg, so you really shouldn't have any problems getting around the smudging.
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