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Old April 11th, 2010, 01:06 PM
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Default Re: Prydain, deathborn kingdom

Originally Posted by Stavis_L View Post
2) That said, your heroes should *never* be on the same side as the wielder of the Black Cauldron.
can a nation have no heroes? i made them becuase i thought a nation had to have heroes...
Anyway, i'll remove them but i will die a little inside
3) Unless they have some amazing other attributes, you could just take some misfortune scales and avoid having them ever show up on your doorstep. Or just send them off alone to die in the nearest enemy province.
Yes that's true, but i'm a fan of hero with a bad side, i did the same in my other mod nation.
and they have some good attributes
taron has a nice sword.
ailin has S3(your only mage).
gurghi is like a markata, just not so powerful. and is cute.
4) Gurghi is using Ailin's sprite.

5) Ideally, the Cauldron-born should be immortal, and should lose hitpoints the further from the Black Cauldron they get (similar to Hamadryads.) This would be "hard to balance" (tm) but would probably be somewhat similar to the vampires drawn to the Vampire Queen, but with leather armor, normal weapons vs. life drain, and no flying. Obviously your "normal" cauldrons should not be able to create these, so you'd have to create a different unit type.
Hmm, in the movie they seemed a lot like normal skeleton we have in dominions with the exception of "away from home" damage but longdead losing hit points would have been really weak.
don't forget you can reruit one cauldron for 120 resources which means 2 turns to build one until you have some provinces around you.
I think you'd be better off doing a nation based on Arawn the Death Lord (Black Cauldron, the Cauldron Born, Gwythaints, Cornelius the Horned King, etc.) and/or one based on the various opposing forces (the Sons of Don, Dalben, the Fair Folk, the Bards, the Free Commots, etc.) The enchantresses could go either way.
Just IMO.
It's a good idea but
-i would have to read the books.
-i made this because i thought it was original to have a nation build around immobile unit makers, i've no interest, with all due respect to welsh mythology, to make a nation that would be similar to Man/eriu .
-i have 1 nation to finish now plus EA and LA of that nation and in the free time i've to study for university, so i should finish them before.

1-2 days i will put up the latest version without heroes and maybe a new undead
Please, do not pretend me to draw, the one-eyed, armless, drunken monkey who is teaching me to draw says i will never be able to.

Emo worm's summons
Prydain, deathborn kingdom
Nameless city expansion pack feat. swan's herd
Venexia, the most serene republic

Last edited by Swan; April 11th, 2010 at 01:15 PM..
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