Re: Rattlehead - MA Newbie game (running)
I'm sorry I couldn't get to the forum yesterday. It is fine, I accept the stale, I'd staled before without complaint, and nothing bad happened to me on the turn I staled. If anyone else wants to roll back, I would be OK with it, but don't roll back on my account.
However, I think Snalltrippin should pass the admin reins on to an active player. That would make it less likely for snafus like this to happen again.
EDIT: I would also accept a rollback of 1 turn, which would perhaps be a balance between the chaos of rolling back 2 turns and unfairness to C'tis of moving forward.
Num, if you want to roll back to 78, I support you. If you want to go forward with no rollback, I support that. Only if everyone else is in favor of a 2-turn rollback would I go along with that.
Since it seems to be currently all human players vs AI-Ermor, I think this makes less of a difference, since there's no player-on-player war where 1 side staled and the other didn't.