Originally Posted by Horst F. JENS
Dear shrapnelgames,
please use a part of the huge cash from all those dom3 preorders
do no take this as an offence but:

i doubt we can talk about huge cash.
Wikipedia is not the place to do a overview/discussion of all those new dom3 ages/nations combinations
you want info on a nation? we have a sticky.
you want info on as strategy? we have a sticky.
you want info on modding? we have a sticky .
you want info on something? we have a sticky.
yo want to discuss? wrote in the sticky and let's discuss.
for beginners a wiki (with an entry for each dom3 nation) is a better place to get an impression / look for compact answers about a dom3 nation/age combo than reposting the 200. time a beginner question or browsing all the 199 older beginner question threads and figuring out wich answer is still accurate for the current patch.
1)I learned what i know from this forum, i'm not smarter than 99% of the human kind.
2)search function is not evil, it may be hidden and difficult to use but not evil.
3)If you know about the wiki than you know about this forum, you know that this is a pretty nice community and that you can ask whatever you needs to know.
To repeat it again: no, it's useless, waste of resources/time/money like recruiting a scout in your capital.
Wait a second, why i wrote all this words when the ansewer is: "we have it" ?
No really, Ich's wiki is the official one