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Old April 16th, 2010, 11:17 PM

Maerlande Maerlande is offline
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Default Re: Crossbows vs. Longbows

But Chris,

You aren't being suckered by the rhetoric are you? You understand my point that whatever the material the energy input is a human being. And I totally agree with you on the training of Yeomen. It's pretty famous. Which goes back to the original debate. Longbows were getting the shaft as far as I'm concerned. They are incredible weapons but do need training.

But of course if you want to submit fact you will be required to find those references I promise to read them.

And really, you can't say this
But the facts are that in medieval ages, in england for example, yeoman were required to spend a day a week in archery training.
without references. Because how do we know those are facts?

I'd love to see those penetration tests. I did some digging but best I could find were British naval round tests. Not irrelevant but the energies involved are orders of magnitude higher.
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