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Old April 17th, 2010, 05:13 PM
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Default Re: New nation : Shangri La, Hidden City of the Secret Masters-Released !

Hmm. Seems like I just got into a shotgun wedding. Tried to take a free slice and bought the loaf.

Very well!

Okay. I'll start a new thread for the next version -- I've just about got a v1.4 ready as well, so it works well.

Couple of opinion questions, then -- particularly for you, Sombre, since you're one of the Hidden Masters of mod nation balance, and since you've been involved in feedback on this mod from its inception.

Addressing the PD problem, there were two -- it did indeed have the undead Citipati, and at the fourth tier referenced a unit ID number that is not used.

Looking at it aside from those things, Shangri-Li seems quite strong already, such that the Shangrilans for PD seems like icing on an already-very-rich cake.

Though it is appropriate and thematic for the Shangrilan soldiers to defend the home city, it seems (to me) that rationale becomes a bit strained for the periphery provinces. It's just a vague impression, though, and I don't have too strong of feelings about it except for wanting to dial down the power level a bit.

As I have implemented it in v1.4, basically, all PD is Bhodpa, except for the fourth tier. It is as follows:

#defcom1 2722 -- Bhödpa Sde Pa (Clan Chief)
#defcom2 2758 -- Shangrilan Monk
#defunit1 2702 -- Bhödpa Spearman
#defunit1b 2703 -- Bhödpa Archer
#defunit2 2705 -- Bhödpa Yak Rider
#defunit2b 2750 -- Mi Gö

What do you think? Should I put Shangrilans back in there?

I'll throw up a new thread shortly.
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