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Old April 18th, 2010, 12:49 PM

rdonj rdonj is offline
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Default Re: Standart, how effective ?

A little testing with the Bretonnia mod shows that the manual is, how shall we say, wrong. I took a group of 8 lesser knights (standard 1) and monitored their morale against indies. From the look of things even a standard of 1 is capable of raising a unit's morale, so Frozen Lama is right as far as I can tell. The morale of some knights did drop at times, presumably when they were too far away from other standards to keep their morale levels up.

Interestingly, in a larger test with ~30 of the same unit, I noticed that the morale bonuses seemed to go to the first unit in a given square first, and then it trickled down. I.E. the first unit might have 20 morale, the second 19, and the third 18. This was consistent until the fighting started and things began dying, I'm assuming due to the shuffling effect of units moving forward to fill the gaps. I'm not sure if morale is capable of filling completely at this point on all units in a single square, as they did not appear to be doing so in my tests. To figure that out I'd want to play with more and larger standards.

At no time did anyone's morale go above +5.
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