Re: Tophats - The Gentleman's Game
Well, you all did a fine job of convincing yourselves of how "dangerous" poor old Atlantis was, when I couldn't even beat Shinuyama much less take his capital.
Now, however, its pretty clear to see who is about to win.
Neckhara has:
The highest research
The highest income
The highest GEM income
three capitals (he's about to take Oceania)
he just dealt me a serious defeat in which he killed my god and charmed away my champion: ANZUUUU!!!
So even though I can stop your small raiding forces, Neckhara actually put a real effort into taking the seas and is now damn near unstoppable.
and he also has the most over-the-top death magic of any nation (of course) so get ready for swarms of tartarians backed by all of the sweetest artifacts.
@ Squirrel
Oh, and Glug was "disintegrated" so your only quandary is what to do with Kraken-flavored sand. :-)