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Old April 20th, 2010, 06:50 PM

militarist militarist is offline
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Default Re: vampires life drain (Sanguinia mod nation) under water bless?

I did some tests.

If I put shield into slot one, I have rapier+ shield, as result.
When I put shield into slot two, I have the same rapier+ shield, as result.

I was dreaming to see shield+life drain without rapire, but there is no such choice.

If I put start of heroes, into slot one, or into slot 2, no difference, I'm loosing both - rapier and life drain. So life drain without rapier doesn't exist. It is also impossible to have rapier+another weapon, you just will have 1 weapon, not rapier.

So, mechanic is still unclear for me and not very intuitively obvious.

It would be cool if it was fixed by modding if it's possible.
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