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Old April 22nd, 2010, 02:57 AM
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Default Re: Another quick on on astral Corruption...

Originally Posted by FAJ View Post
So, spamming lesser horror on a province in which you know there is a big nasty, who has a minor horror-mark could produce much better effects than when not under AC?
I've always found it more effective (and easier) to spam a bunch of lesser horrors rather than a few horrors, even when AC is not up. I think 1 out of 3 or 4 gets upgraded to a regular horror under AC.

About horror dome, can you cast it if you are under siege? Will horrors randomly attack both players mages under the dome? I would suspect it could be the last resort of a player under siege at his capital, after being mobbed for casting AC.
I had this cast on me while I was sieging an Aby cap. I didn't get attacked at all before storming. The chance per turn must be pretty low (except eventually you'll get marked inside the dome, and then your chance of getting attacked goes up IIRC.) Its best effect is to feeblemind enemies casting remote spells on your province. Just don't accidentally try to teleport into your castle.
Whether he submitted the post, or whether he did not, made no difference. The Thought Police would get him just the same. He had committed— would still have committed, even if he had never set pen to paper— the essential crime that contained all others in itself. Thoughtcrime, they called it. Thoughtcrime was not a thing that could be concealed forever.
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