Originally Posted by Burnsaber
Wish is so expensive that you will go for the strongest option, adding a buch of commands that are sub-optimal would be kind of moot.
There are already many suboptimal wishes possible, some suboptimal in
most situtations but not all, some just really poor things to wish for. You might have a point regarding the latter (though they could be fun to use in SP even if they got no MP use) but most certainly not the former.
Examples of wishes that may occasionally be worth it but aren't in the game:
- Immortality - adding the recuperation effect and being able to die in own dominion is the big one and utterly thematic to boot. The wish caster that is created solely as a wish machine might not want to cast this, ever, preferring to summon in an SC instead - the wish caster/battlefield mage/SC might, depending on circumstances.
- Getting rid of horror marks - not worth the hefty price in the majority of cases but there are situations where it might be worth it.
- Elemental immunity - gain 100 resistance to fire, water, cold, poison. Yes, this would probably be used almost solely in SP; so what?

- Ritual Spell - attempts to duplicate the designated ritual spell as if the caster had his astral path strength in the relevant path but with no extra gems. (Yes, this is not worth it if you actually have the research and a mage with the proper path to cast the spell you wish to duplicate, if it goes through it creates a fairly weak global with minimal overcasting from paths only, and it also creates balancing issues with globals more costly than wish - but it is very thematic)