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Old April 23rd, 2010, 07:01 PM
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Default Re: EA Oceans of Land - (Noob game) [looking for temp sub!]


Marverni just left for a week to go Para-gliding and out of desperation has changed the game to me to try and muck it up for him until he gets back.

He has explained the diplomatic situation but I may be PMing a couple of you to find out what is exactly going on.

We have 1 small problem...I myself am leaving for Indy NEXT Friday to play in a Rugby Tourney next weekend. I will do the most current turn at that time and then extend it until Monday and he gets back to take it over.

If you hear a scream...that is him seeing how I have managed to destroy his nation!!

Remember, I am the admin while he is away...If you need an extension or have a problem leave a message here or PM me and I will try and get it resolved.

Thanks guys!!
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