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Old April 24th, 2010, 10:18 PM

krpeters krpeters is offline
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Default Re: Troops vs magic, what am I doing wrong?

[quote=Sombre;742055]Speaking just of SP and facing down the AI, the most dramatic way to see the power of spells is to take EA Abysia and expand and hire mages to research as normal until your mages have researched both phoenix power and falling fires. Then take a huge chunk of your research mages and join them up with a reltively small army. Script them to PP then FFx4. If you have a critical mass of them, it doesn't matter what the enemy is throwing at you, they'll burn it to a crisp in a few rounds.

Abysia is a "special case" -- I have tried sending out Anethemant Salamanders with a small army and watched with glee as they set the world on fire. I call it a special case because of one key element -- abysian troops are fire immune. So when my mages try to incinerate my own troops (which they seem to love to do!), they fail.

Anethemant Salamander: 130gold. 3 Falling fires, area effect 3, doesn't incinerate my own troops, so net 60 per casting, 180 total, a nice 50% bonus over troops.

I think the trouble is that I'm slightly spoiled by how effective this is, as well as MA Ulm's magma eruptions. I was hoping to find something similar for most other nations, but it's just not to be.

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