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Old April 25th, 2010, 05:27 PM
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Default Re: Troops vs magic, what am I doing wrong?

Originally Posted by chrispedersen View Post
Originally Posted by sector24 View Post
To take your argument to extremes, it's much more cost effective to put 125 PD into every province than it is to recruit Elite Warriors. For a one time investment of 8,000 gold your province becomes impregnable for the rest of the game.
As a further example... it is relatively easy to take out 8000 gp worth of pd. It can be done with as little as 100 gp worth of troops....
I can't think of a 100gp troop that the AI uses that will kill 125 PD. But feel free to prove me wrong.

Also, I'm not sure that the game's difficulty level affects this much. They get more gold and resources but they aren't any smarter. Most of the time the PD is such a deterrent that they will not even attack you. Even if they do have a huge army on your border, they rarely attack with the full stack and/or they use poor orders. The difference between 50 PD and 125 PD is unbelievable, just make a SP game and try it out.
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