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Old April 26th, 2010, 05:57 PM

Corvus Corvus is offline
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Default Re: Nub Bash 2010 - Late Age - Recruiting

I would like to ask a favor of the people who have requested PBEM style. Would receiving turns by PBEM be adequate? Could you turn in your turns by direct-connect? I have been told setting up a game to do both at the same time is possible, but its never been done. The direct connection cannot be told to "see" incoming email turns. So emailed turns either have to not show up on the direct-connect display but the game still hosts when all turns are in, or the direct connect has to be taken down and put back up on a regular basis to force it to see all of the turned in turns.

To be blunt it would be a bit of a headache, and it would be much easier if you could turn it in by direct connect.
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