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Old April 27th, 2010, 09:48 AM
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Default Re: Fractures - LA Game. Going forward. One step at a time.

Originally Posted by Stagger Lee View Post
My biggest mistakes were logistical, I think. Wanting my pretender to cast foul vapors w/o N gems, my quagmire caster with no W gems. Scripting my unburied way over on left flank, my unfrozen way over on right flank, then combining them with an army 10 times their size and, voila, there they are clumped in the middle killing each other with their aura. And not stepping back to regroup when I should have. Leaving that Naiad without bodyguards was dumb too.
The whole quagmire + rigor mortis + grip of winter you often used was really effective. Relief is not enough to counter it. I was worried that naiad was going to add foul vapors to the mix, and just managed to send enough assassins to that province to kill it.

C'tis's Burden really did not help me much at all. It was bearable in my growth-2 dominion, but not in your death-3.

R'lyeh was an enigma. Did anyone have an arrangement with him? Or did he have a plan? I wasted a lot of chaff on him - the reason my armies were never as huge as some of you might have expected. We had probably four battles a turn from turn 25 on. And he only played 1/2 those turns!
I had a peace agreement with R'lyeh, not a formal NAP or anything. He got most of Gath's water provinces when I killed Gath. I got hit with a few Mind Hunts and Dreams after he went AI.

vfb, when you sieged the province with the enchantment site the first time, I had a mage inside cast iron walls. The fort was down to zero, you had a huge army on it, and I did not think it would work. Next turn, you had moved the army south (instead of storming), and there was just one tart left in the siege. My fort was up to 300 defense. Was he set to storm alone, or continue siege? I really thought I was wasting the gems.
I don't think Iron Walls is very good. I tried it myself in a recent game. Really, you need troops inside that are strong enough to rebuild. I ran out of jaguars and in the end used Stygian Paths to move a whole mess of Bats and Fiends down into your province, and their strength plus flight bonus really takes down walls fast.

I think I had planned on storming immediately with that Tart, but he decided to go crazy that month.
Whether he submitted the post, or whether he did not, made no difference. The Thought Police would get him just the same. He had committed— would still have committed, even if he had never set pen to paper— the essential crime that contained all others in itself. Thoughtcrime, they called it. Thoughtcrime was not a thing that could be concealed forever.
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