Originally Posted by GrudgeBringer
...sad tale of double-wishing a unique unit deleted...
Originally Posted by GrudgeBringer
Now I actually WAS in a game where 2 Armageddon's where cast the same turn by the same person. So I guess spells are different?
Last question...If I wanted to cast ..say Utterdark but had no Death Gems or Lvl 9 castor's will it cast and will it STAY more than 1 turn?
I know these are not the usual wishes but I have a chance to experiment and thought I would.
Opinions or answers guys? 
1) Armageddon is a specific target of the Wish spell. You can cast multiple wishes per turn, no problem.
2) Utterdark, or any other spell for that matter, may *not* be replicated via use of Wish.
3) It's a heck of a lot less expensive to your in-game well-being to try this with e.g. the debug mod first...
4) For unique units, try Edi's DB, filter on the "Unique" column in the AllUnits tab. In your case, you'd have been well advised to wish for a Seraph or other S4 chassis and empower instead.