Recording here for posterity:
runaway process, logs full, hard drive full
some dominions games will not restart
NĂ¥got gick fel!
getmany failed
Move last 2h file from game directory and try again.
It turns out that during the problem someone did a turn. The last 2h received was a zero byte file. Removing it fixed the problem. It might also be worth trying anytime the game wont restart. Move the last 2h you received and try it then.
Its also always a good idea to use the wonderful --preexec switch to run some routine (script or bat file) for zippng the files just before each hosting to provide backups you can restore from. Using the --postexec to do another save immediately after each hosting might not be a bad idea either.
yes I know that this seems head-slappingly obvious NOW but it caused me a sleepless night until I figured it out so I dont care if it makes me look bad to post this. It might help someone else later