Re: Advice on learning the game
I would put it this way: If all you're interested in is SP, than ignorance is bliss! You don't want to find out (except on your own) all the tricks and cool strategies.
Because once you do learn them, then it doesn't really matter how many AI-improvement mods, hand-built AI pretenders, impossible AIs, etc., you go for - you'll always come to a point in the game where you know you're going to win (or lose, but same difference). Then you're just going through the motions.
After that, SP becomes joyless (OK, that's my opinion), and is only useful for gaming MP strategies (and I bless and curse the day I found out about the Dubug mod in that regard, as now I can't/don't even need to play SP much to test strategies and tactics anymore).
So if all you want to do is play SP, stay away from the forums! Well, except for the mod forums, perhaps. Because the more information you get here, the sooner the SP experience will likely be ruined for you.
If you want to try your hand at MP however...