Game Delay
I thinnk it is considerate that the game was delayed for Tien Chin even though unrequested (he does need help), and there still is the unanswered question why the game was not actually delayed when I requested it and the game was supposedly delayed - but wasn't. I ended up with a stale turn!
The real point here is that we should be consistent - otherwise we could get in the area of suspected favoritism. My personal feeling is that the game should only be delayed if the player concerned cares enough to ask for an extension. And then it should be given if possible (unless it becomes too frequent).
Otherwise, let's just remove the deadlines.
I happened to have time today and noticed TC's lack of a submission. I was considering changing my moves accordingly, luckily I didn't. My strategy would have failed miserably if he needed and got an extension I was not aware of (I don't normally check this thread).
In conclusion, I am not complaining - just request that we are consistent.