Originally Posted by Jorus
Yo, mi amigo Kupiko, sorry if I have created the wrong impression - I'm just happy to be still alive three turns after the announcement of hostilities (in the form of your invasion) between our two nations!
This is most amusing to me. On the one hand, Tien Chi is first on provinces and pretty hugely ahead on army but seems to have ended up on the defensive. On the other hand, "everyone dogpile on the leader" is working surprisingly poorly. Over the past 3 turns or so since the war started, net province change has been TC-1, Ctis+1, others 0. Time to bring more hundreds of units and some Death-5 summoners to bear, I guess.
Originally Posted by Game stats
Nation Army Size
T'ien Ch'i 1386
Caelum 189
C'tis 725
Helheim 324
Independents 530
On the other topic, I guess the easiest way to be consistent is "no more extensions unless requested", which saves me checking the game page, but I still have to check here and my email.
A tip to Kupiko: I think you mean "losing" here. Loosing is when you set something free. When enemy armies arrive in your capital, you are losing.