Re: Nub Bash 2010 - Late Age - Recruiting
I have constructed two adjusted versions of the Ogre Map which eliminate either all start positions with fewer than 3 neighbors (3up) or all start positions with fewer than 4 neighbors (4up).
I also noticed that 2 and 3 neighbor provinces are the rule, not the exception, so the 3up version is probably sufficient. There are also some provinces that have quite large numbers of neighbors (6-7)--decreasing the total number of starting provinces increases the chance of starting on one of these.
Both versions of the map are found here. All of the additions are at the very end and are denoted for easy readability.
These are .map files only.
I also vote to change the map to the 3up or 4up version posted here.
Disclaimer: I may have made a few errors (I'll say less than 2%)--I was going as quickly as possible.
"Let your plans be dark and as impenetratable as night, and when you move, fall like a thunderbolt." -- Sun Tzu
Last edited by Verjigorm; April 30th, 2010 at 10:59 PM..