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Old May 2nd, 2010, 08:15 AM

13lackGu4rd 13lackGu4rd is offline
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Default Re: EA: Vanilla, Newbie game [GOOD AGAIN!]

Originally Posted by GameExtremist View Post
Originally Posted by 13lackGu4rd View Post
not hypocritical considering I was pretty much dead... almost no provinces, cap under siege and soon to break, etc... Lanka still had A LOT of provinces, plenty of producing forts, his cap, etc... I didn't.
Well, I can't comment too much on your (former) nations longevity, only what info I could glean from the graphs -

What worried me was your massive lead in research, a good amount of gems - until the globals were dispelled, I figured you kept a small army to pay for all the death mages you would be recruiting etc who needs an army when you can mass skelly spam.

I figured by now some tartarians should be starting to appear on the hall of fame.

Take a look at Helheim - They have had less then 6 provinces all game and yet he still clings to survival and proves to be a thorn in both Vanheims and my side.

Well I guess if the game isn't fun for you anymore you can just quit?

Maybe you should take a look at this thread and remember the commitment to being a "good" player you pledged to be on Page 12.

Good Luck in the NaVII game I guess.
my main problem was a few stales(completely my fault) that really destroyed my tempo in the game, and caused me to respond late to Ermor's last push into my capital. I did have a few tarts summoned in the end but not enough N gems to GoR them, that Mother Oak that you dispelled was my last chance at that... had 2 GoRed Tart Monstrums(or whatever they're called, the crappy Manticore types) that I tried to break out the siege on my cap with, as a desperate attempt, which failed miserably for obvious reasons, and it was way past the point in which skelli spam would be enough to hold off a massive army with a lot of quality mages supporting it. also that Burden of Time that you foolishly thought was a "screw you world, I'm going to win" act, was in fact a desperate attempt to slow down Ermor's advance, hopefully diseasing his mages and even national troops, to buy me time to scrape together more N gems to really get the Tart factory going...

oh and don't you preach morals on me, look at Baalz's thread yourself, scroll down to the section on when it's alright to turn AI, losing your capital was 1 of them, and while I didn't technically lose it yet, it was "only" under siege, I was unable to do anything without money(upkeep>income), gems(those critical N gems mainly, which only got worst with the loss of land) and army(again money issues) so really, if that's not a dead end than I have no idea what is...

next time get all your facts straight before hurling insults on somebody, trying to be all mucho. it just makes you look foolish and bad, not to mention alienate yourself in the process!
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