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Old May 2nd, 2010, 01:22 PM
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GrudgeBringer GrudgeBringer is offline
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Default Re: Viscious Circle 3

Dang..I would like to continue (of course it takes me about 30 min to do my turn as I am so little,

But I wanted to do some things with my 3500 S gems,

Lets see I have 3 wish casters so I could cast 3 Armageddon's every turn for around the next Month (until you find and kill me). Or perhaps alchemize and cast Burden of time and Utterdark, and THEN the occasional Armageddon.

Seriously, it is hard to see this game end on an exhaustion note.

I started this game...geeez, 6 or 7 months ago maybe? And learned a LOT watching you guys, It is like putting your dog to sleep or something.

Well, We have heard from 3 of the big dogs (lol, no pun intended)....let's figure it out as there is no use prolonging the inevitable.
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