Thread: Wishlist Reinstate Sombre
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Old May 2nd, 2010, 07:34 PM
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Default Re: Reinstate Sombre

*Raises hand*

This is the worst news since I joined the fora. Sombre is clearly one of the top 5 contributors to Dom3.

Sure he's got a bit of a mouth sometimes, but on the other hand he's always helpful and answers a lot of questions. It's not like he's really been mean to anyone, just a bit impolite.

Permanent ban seems extremely harsh, why not just mute him for a month or so. Or a 3 month ban or something.

I mean, shrapnel is even indirectly making money on his mod nations. They're so good they could just as well be an official expansion pack.

I'm really really disappointed, bad BAD moderators.