Thread: Weakest nation
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Old May 2nd, 2010, 08:09 PM

anonymity anonymity is offline
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Default Re: Weakest nation

Originally Posted by ghoul31 View Post
Originally Posted by anonymity View Post
MA Argatha is definitely worse than MA Ulm. Troops are worse, The E2 W1 F1 H1 mage isn't much good for anything, .
attentive statues have 22 protection and no encumberance, they are a hell of a lot bette than Ulm's troops. So you are totally wrong there.

And you think a w1 mage is totally useless? I guess you never heard of frozen heart.
I guess you've never heard of scripting 5 turns at the back. Limited range spells are of highly limited use against thugs when the opponent has a clue, especially since these guys have earth and fire and therefore the spellcasting AI won't be forced into frozen heart when off-script.

Attentive statues cost gems, so they are comparable not to troops but to similar summons. CBM is 2 for 4 (Vanilla 2 for 8), so at 2 gems each they would be comparable to trolls (1 for 1) or cave drakes (1 for 4) if you want a sturdy low-research summon. Comparing them to Ulm troops is lunacy given their cost in gems and magetime.

edit: Going to pre-emptively add that although Statues are research 0 in CBM, by the time you can spam enough of them you are going to be researching conj 3 anyway for earthpower, so there'll only be a few turns in which the low research makes them more attractive than other E summons, AND early gemuse has the opportunity cost of delaying hammers and delaying boots which you also need as soon as possible. It's good that Argatha has them and they are usable, but only marginally so over conj summons.
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