Originally Posted by Annette
You know what's funny? This thread in itself is a violation of our forum rules. Some of you may want to read them sometime. But, believe it or not, we have no desire to run a Nazi forum. I think we're pretty laid back, actually, and as a company try to leave our forums in the hands of you, our customers, and our developers. Once in a while, in a difficult situation like this, we step in (as much as we hate to). Absolutely, Sombre made great contributions here. I don't agree that makes him better than the rest of you.
Yeah... that's funny.
You don't want to be Nazis (hello, Godwin), but your rules are extremely repressive. Your site, your rules, fine.
But you certainly don't apply them across the board and you've chosen to apply the harshest punishment to a member of this community that has EARNED our respect.
Do you know what else earns respect? Eating crow when you've made a bad call. But why dance with someone else now, eh?