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Old May 2nd, 2010, 10:22 PM

chrispedersen chrispedersen is offline
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Default Re: Managing Communions - the sombre challenge.

Peter actually has it right. The problem isn't in the rain of stones (per se) its the Verdun strategy.

Now, sometimes, in late game you have to employ verdun tactics. But 90% of the time you do not.

In the 10% of the time that you do, I have one suggestion for you.

LOTS of troops. By stretching the board out, and putting your bloodslaves on the corners, you can cause them to be outside the area of effect of BF or BE spells. (Never remember which it is).

For the other 90% of the time, I'd advise you to use this motto. Move aggressively, attack defensively.

In otherwords - move to lightly guarded provinces that the opponent will feel compelled to attack you.. And then use that communion's first turn strategically.