Re: Managing Communions - the sombre challenge.
If I saw 150 communion slaves in a province, I would cast Flames from the Sky on it...
That seems to be a rather poorly thought out strategy since... yes, it can kill anything it encounters, but... it's so very weak. Any wide area of effect spell (especially Rain of Stones, Earthquate, etc.) can destroy it.
It can't attack since you'd be giving your opponent first chance to cast spells, so it can only be postured defensively.
If your opponent can see it, any overland evocation will crush it, and if he can't see it, he's blind because it probably took 20 turns to make.
Beckoning or FFtS ftw
"Let your plans be dark and as impenetratable as night, and when you move, fall like a thunderbolt." -- Sun Tzu