Originally Posted by Peter Ebbesen
We've ended up with a five pages (and growing) thread where probably only Verjigorm, Graeme Dice, chrispedersen, and Radio_Star are not in violation of the forum rules and with a signal to noise ratio so low that it is nearly nonexistent.
And if that seemed excessively sombre for some of you, well, so mote it be. I can only hope that this and Maerlande's other recent threads are a temporary aberration and not a sign of things to come. 
Do you honestly think that the purpose of this thread is not partially the simple fact that it is in violation of the forum rules?
don't worry. we'll all get banned for breaking the rules anyways. and we won't even get the temp ban that is part of those rules because we have to adhere to them, but the all powerful mods clearly do not