Originally Posted by Peter Ebbesen
And now for actually being sombre for a moment: I appreciate the Dom3 forum because it is usually a helpful place, where people stick to discussing topics related to the game in the appropriate subforums until being banned. When somebody has a problem, he can post about it and people will try to help.
I despise the sort of in-jokes that I never get like the OP posted in three (or more?) different threads all including the word "sombre", which has the rest of you who are "in" on it in stiches, trolling this whine and finding it highly amusing that people actually tried to cry answers based on what the OP wrote in his first post. We've ended up with a five pages (and growing) thread where probably only Verjigorm, Graeme Dice, chrispedersen, and Radio_Star are not in violation of the forum rules and with a signal to noise ratio so low that it is nearly sombre.
And if that seemed excessively pointless for some of you, well, so mote it be. I can only hope that this and Maerlande's other recent threads earn a temporary ban and not a sign of things to come. 
Wait, I'm not in violation? "Moderation in moderation" doesn't cross the line?
What's a guy gotta do to get banned around here, anyway?