Re: Burnsabers Mods
I'm "out".
I'm don't want to go on a lenghty rant about this, but the "Sombre Incident" just left me utterly and completely baffled. Sharpnel is free to moderate their boards however they like, but I'm not forced to use them. I'm not going to stick around in forums where the moderation is like.. this. So I'm going to vote with my feet here. I enjoy modding and that is why I've been doing it for so long but no more am I going to enjoy sharing my mods through these forums. So I won't.
As much as I'd like to just leave, I have some commitments here in the boards and I'm not going to inconvience my fellow players by suddenly leaving the MP games I'm on or some crap like that. Also, I'm not going do "franks" here and delete all my mods but I won't update them nor share any new ones through these forums.
But as soon as my I've cleared out all of my commitments (most likely after I've GM'd "Legendary Ordeals II"), I'll be out for good.