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Old May 3rd, 2010, 02:40 PM
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Default Re: Wish-List for Dominions 4

I may tell you that our common biggest wish (though not all realize it) is the completely reworked game engine. It is absolutely obvious that the terrific amount of bugs and lack of scalability are the results of the program being written by mainly one person, JK. Well, maybe very talented person, but it is a huge project and should be handled in another way. I don't speak of graphics here and I'm not a fan of graphics at all. Just about the numerous bugs that we here got so used to that we now don't even treat them as bugs. Their numbers are many. Should the project once be completely reworked (with proper architecture), all you, guys, request may become completely possible without much work. And now (I'm absolutely sure of that being a programmer myself) each change like this means a big amount of work, a big headache and may normally result in the bugs like the recent one with the Maggots spell (changing the description resulted in completely another spell effect or even the mix of effects). Also, when the only reliable source of information on the game mechanics is the code, it is a sign of poor architecture as well. And many, many other things.
But all this doesn't mean I don't like Dominions. This is the best and the deepest strategy multiplayer game I've ever seen, been here since Dom 1. It just requires more love from the developers to be superb. And that is my only wish for Dominions 4 if it ever happens to appear.

p.s. I don't know whether or not the old Dominions 1 engine is still used but I strongly suspect it is because most things look very similar
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