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Old May 3rd, 2010, 09:46 PM

militarist militarist is offline
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Default Re: Night of the Long Knives?

You were able to deduce all that from what someone told you in IRC? That the morale of the admins was in jeopardy so Sombre had to be made into a martyr?

Sombre made mods, people like mods. Sombre was rude to people, including new players and forum users, people don't like that. Shrapnel is probably breaking even between people he attracted (I doubt he attracted anyone, retain is probably a better word) through mods and people he ran off by being rude. His mods were cool, and it appealed to a lot of people, especially forum vets, but his attitude was a detriment to the community, especially new players, who are just as important customers as any of us.[/quote]

My feeling were hurt by a mix of several reasons which, maybe wouldn't happen in case on not being a mis. But this mix is poisioning.

1. Shrapnel didn't explains why he did it. It's a Shrapnel's right, but still it hurts.
2. It's a community, not a Shrapnel's blog, so some some level of democracy is expected, regardless of those forum rules most of us don't even read, because we expect them to be just usual, reasonable, and based on an common sense.
3. I hate political correctness, as thouse who demend it are rarely the same people who contribute. From my life experience, politically correct people (I mean in extreme way, like demanding from Shrapnel to ban the offender) and those who really do something are very rarely the same person.
4. Even If I was not so much against political correctness -if someone was publicly offended - that's bad. And for public offense. There should be punishment. But if it was private - the offended have a great opputrinity to save his mood next time by avoiding games in which Somber plays with his friends. And Shrapnel could just ignore it. It's PRIVATE. I don't know if it was private or not.but..see point 1.