Originally Posted by Swan
Originally Posted by Squirrelloid
For the Record: Sombre never said he would not abide by the rules. He disparaged the -10 point penalty for the initial offense as meaningless. To whit:
"-10 points oh noes"
'[the penalty] means as much to me as forgetting to buy milk at the grocery store.'
(second one paraphrased because i'm going off memory)
I am a fan of "fan-made justice" but can a mod come here and tell me this a lie?
No really, someone tell me he wasn't permabanned for this.
Really, do some of you believe I would ban any user for writing, "-10 points oh noes"? No, Swan, Sombre was not banned for this alone. But that nugget didn't help his case.
Originally Posted by Frozen Lama
Its sad but true that Sombre isn't going to get unbanned. That would require Shrapnel to admit they were wrong, and that just can't happen. Besides, they don't give a F*** about you guys anymore anyways. you already bought the game, they have your money so buzz off. Or, be like shrapnel staff and stick very large implements up your rear.
If we truly didn't care about you and our other customers, would we bother with these forums? Of course, we'd like to sell more games...after all, that's our job. But if we wanted to take your money and run, why are we here?
I have no expectation that anything I say is going to make those of you in an uproar change your minds. But I'm going to try to address some of the crap being tossed around here.
Amongst the Annette and Shrapnel bashing, we have heard some very compelling arguments why the decision to ban Sombre should be reconsidered (and I appreciate those considered posts). The reality is, it's a moot point. As far as I know, Sombre has no desire to return. And if he did, we would reconsider only if he were willing to respect our terms.
I have a thick skin, and I'm actually quite impressed how some of you have managed to put words in my mouth. Sombre was not banned for one post, nor for one private message. He was banned because he continually violated, and later indicated that he would not abide by, the terms of use we set forth for these boards. Apparently there are many of you who think, 1) we should have no rules or, 2) we should let Sombre have his own set of rules. I have absolutely no wish to hurt the community (what does our company stand to gain from that?), nor am I interested in any kind of power-play. But Shrapnel Games will not successfully run a company forum with either points 1 or 2 above in play.
Everyone who buys our games or is considering buying our games is welcome here, if they abide by the rules. These are Shrapnel Games' forums, and what we allow to happen here reflects on us as a company. That is why we have the rules we do. We won't allow anyone to intentionally disregard the rules. And we won't allow anyone to intentionally run off new members.
Sombre will continue to make his mods I am sure, and there are many places he can post them. So talk with him about where he is going.